Event Status

The Kern National Network (KNN) is hosting the first of a four-part discussion series—The Medical Profession Through the Lens of Human Flourishing—on topics relevant to our times.
Session One
The first session is “Human Flourishing, Caring and Character in the Medical Profession: To What End?,” which will feature KNN leaders Bonnie Miller, MD, from Vanderbilt; Andrea Leep Hunderfund, MD, from Mayo; and John Luk, MD, representing Dell Medical School at The University of Texas at Austin. This interactive virtual event will provide participants the opportunity to learn more about the title concepts and engage in a conversation with other healthcare professionals about human flourishing. Physicians, nurses and pharmacists can also receive continuing education credits through KNN partner school UW-Madison.
Learn More
This virtual event will take place on January 26 at 4–5 PM CST. Visit the event page at: https://knncaringcharactermedicine.org/KNN/Events.htm to learn more.