Student Opportunities

One of our goals is to promote student-driven interprofessional initiatives that prepare health professions learners to be collaborative-practice ready. Below is a growing list of IPE initiatives that are led by and/or focus on student and pre-licensure learners. Contact us to find out how the HIPE Center can support your student-led interprofessional program or activity. 

HIPE Center-Led Initiatives 

Student Health IPE Committee 
This commitee was formed by students in 2020 with a mission to lead interprofessional student forums to advance collaborative learning and scholarship and promote team-based, person-centered health care within the health care and health care-related professions. If you are interested in learning more about the history of this committee and how to get involved, click here
Interprofessional Health Showcase
The Center for Health IPE hosts an Interprofessional Health Showcase every year in April. Students (undergraduate and graduate) and residents are invited to share their projects in one of four categories (community engagement, quality improvement, health innovation, and research). Projects pertain to advancing population health and creating healthier communities. Awards are given for best poster among all categories. Read more here>
Interprofessional Peer Health Consulting
Are you a graduate-level student who is interested in honing your leadership skills, advancing learning experiences, and positively impacting the health ecosystem? If so, you may be a great fit for the Interprofessional Health Peer Consulting program. Read more>
Health and Well-Being for All Virtual Simulation
Launched in 2020, this simulation is adapated from an in-person Centers for Disease Control and Prevention simulation. Participants are placed in interprofessional teams and simulate a community task force meeting that addresses a chronic health issue. These teams, led by an advanced-level facilitator, propose an intervention using a 6-step improvement model. Contact us to find out the date for the next simulation.  

HIPE Center-Supported IPE Initiatives at UT Austin 

C.D. Doyle Clinic
The C.D. Doyle Clinic is a student-coordinated program operated out of the Dell Medical School. Volunteer physicians, medical students from both UT Austin's Dell Medical School and University of Texas Medical Branch, and nursing and pre-health undergraduate students from UT Austin provide care for uninsured or underinsured patients until they can be seen at a more comprehensive clinic. The Doyle Clinic offers acute care, assistance with getting patients refills on medications, and case management. Learn more>
Project Collaborate
Project Collaborate is a student-coordinated initiative operated out of the UT College of Pharmacy. Students provide free health screenings, including blood pressure, body mass index, blood glucose, and total cholesterol, at local events and community centers. Patients have the chance to discuss their health questions and concerns with student pharmacists and pharmacist preceptors. At some events, nurses, dietitians, and social work students may also be available for consultation. Learn more>

National Student-Focused IPE Organizations 

Primary Care Progress 
Primary Care Progress (PCP) is an interprofessional organization at UT whose mission is to connect health professional students at UT Austin in order to spark interest in primary care and catalyze change in the Austin primary care community. Contact PCP to learn more about their work and upcoming events. 
Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Open School 
IHI is a global learning community that exists to advance quality improvement and patient safety competencies in the next generation of health professionals. 
FICP course

Transforming Teams

"Over the course of working with my team, I have grown to understand and respect their different professions, as well as gain confidence and knowledge in where the physician of the team fits into the dynamic." Kevin Elwood, Medical Student (not pictured)

Featured Events

Event Status
Wednesday April 9, 2025, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Event Status
Friday April 18, 2025, 9:00 am - 1:30 pm
UT Campus
Event Status
Monday May 12, 2025 - Thursday May 15, 2025, All day