HIPE Center Resources
This page contains resources and tools from the HIPE Center and collaborative partners that promote and advance interprofessional practice and education across the continuum.
Health and Well-Being for All Virtual Simulation

The HIPE Center leads a virtual simulation twice a year that walks learners through a simulated community task force meeting to address a health priority. This simulation was significantly adapted from the CDC's Health and Well-Being for All in-person activity to accommodate a variety of health priorities. Institutions and programs interested in using this simulation for their learners may access tools and materials here.
IPE Videos
Please visit this page to view the following video series.
- IPEC Core Competencies which covers:
- Values and Ethics
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Interprofessional Communication
- Teams and Teamwork
- Health IPE Concepts which covers:
- Interprofessional Health Care Team Meeting
- Transformative Teams
- IPE Lessons Learned from the Field
- Hospital Simulation Day
IPE Scholarship
Check out this page to view an evolving list of IPE-oriented scholarship from UT Austin.