Program Overview

The HIPE Center administers the Health IPE Microcredential Program, which is an institutional approach to integrate IPE into the required curriculum of all health professions programs with IPE accreditation standards. Learners who successfully complete all required activities will receive a microcredential, which is a portable, digital badge that acknowledges that the learner completed the required work, demonstrated competencies, and developed skills and/or gained knowledge in particular areas. The HIPE Center awards badges in partnership with UT Austin's Digital Badging Program. We are currently awarding the IPE Foundations badge and others will be announced soon. 

Why Microcredentials?

The HIPE Center awards microcredentials to learners who have completed learning experiences that demonstrate the skills and knowledge they have acquired. These microcredentials help learners articulate how these learning experiences translate into real-world practice. Learners can link their digital badges to their resumé, curriculum vitae, LinkedIn or other digital profiles, and showcase their achievements to employers, residency/fellowship directors, and graduate programs. Other benefits include: 

  • Focused skill development as microcredentials target specific skills and/or knowledge areas making learning relevant to job markets and career goals. 
  • Stackable learning that allows learners to combine digital badges and add to their degrees, creating a more comprehensive skill set. 
  • Rapid response to market needs: Institutions can quickly develop microcredential programs to address emerging skills and industry demands.
  • Enhanced employability: Employers often value microcredentials as evidence of specific competencies, making candidates more attractive.

Read more about UT System is prioritizing the use of microcredentials to prepare workforce-ready graduates here.  

IPE Foundations Badge

IPE Foundations is awarded to students across health professions who complete all requirements in 3 interactive modules. Read about the IPE Foundations Badge  here

Yellow badge with IPE Foundations Center for Health IPE written across it