Our Start

In 2017, the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost committed 5 years of funding for faculty champions to build the HIPE Center, agreeing with leadership from Dell Medical School, the College of Pharmacy, the School of Nursing, and the Steve Hicks School of Social Work that central leadership is needed to advance health care education transformation. Since our launch, the HIPE Center has laid the foundation to integrate interprofessional education among health professions programs at UT Austin and prepare a collaboration-ready workforce to improve the delivery of quality team-based care. 

Establish a Legacy by Transforming Health Care Education

Your gift supports interprofessional health care education and practice initiatives, including:   

  • A core curriculum that prepares a collaborative practice-ready workforce through quality IPE offerings that are embedded into curricula
  • Specialized trainings for health care teams to strengthen interprofessional teamwork skills
  • Student health care-focused organizations that foster leadership and support co-curricular opportunities
  • Multi-year delivery of virtual simulations that bring students, practitioners, faculty, and community members together to build facilitation and leadership skills
  • Interprofessional poster showcase for students & residents to present health-related projects
  • IP Peer Health Consulting program that bridges student collaboration and community connection
FICP Class

Support IPE

Your support transforms health professions education and health care practice.

Cognitive Training Picture

Contact us

Contact us to understand how IPE is a critical component of health care education and to know more about specific ways your gift can make an impact.