Below are common inquiries about our Center and interprofessional practice and education in general. Please contact us if you need more information. 

The Center for Health IPE's mission and work aligns with the World Health Organization's (WHO's) and Interprofessional Education Collaborative's (IPEC's) definitions pertaining to collaborative education, practice, and team-based care. Read more>

What programs are involved with the Center for Health IPE?
The Center for Health IPE is supported by leadership from the College of Pharmacy, Dell Medical School, the School of Nursing, and the Steve Hicks School of Social Work. We welcome other programs to join us in promoting health IPE learning at UT. Contact us to discuss possibilities. 
Why is it important to have IPE skills?
The Center for Health IPE believes that transforming health care delivery systems begins with promoting interprofessional learning opportunities among health professionals and students. Learners who engage in health IPE educational experiences become sought-after change agents positioned to create a health care system that is more patient-centered, collaborative, and cost-efficient.
  • Participate in health IPE activities and events
  • Talk to students and health professionals in a different health profession about their role on the health care team
  • Look for courses that emphasize teamwork and communication
  • Take an elective that focuses on health IPE or includes students from other health professions
  • Work with your student organization to arrange interprofessional opportunities for community service or networking
How can faculty promote health IPE?
  • Become a Center for Health IPE Affiliate
  • Participate in faculty development programs related to health IPE 
  • Require students to participate in IPE activities for extra credit, part of their course work or as a portfolio requirement
  • Use teamwork in your class and construct learning activities that emphasize team-building and professional communication
  • Provide seats in your course for students from other health professions