The Community Action Poverty Simulation (CAPS) is a unique, interactive experience designed to help participants appreciate what it may be like to live in poverty. Participants will explore the realities of living with a small budget, limited time, and high stress by role-playing as familial units challenged by a specific set of circumstances. It is designed to help us “re-think” poverty and explore how we as individuals and collectively through our work, our school, or our profession, find new ways to assist those facing disparity everyday. The overall goal of this interprofessional learning event is to bring together students, faculty, individuals in the community and representatives from local organizations to begin a dialogue addressing challenges faced daily by the many who live with disparity in our community. We hope to foster interprofessional collaboration among participants as we explore coordinated community outreach and access to social and health services. The event will be held on Saturday, October 5, 2019 and there is a morning simulation and an afternoon simulation. Click here for more info.
Event Status
Event Details
Date and Time
Oct. 5, 2019, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.