Event Status

The Academy of Communication in Healthcare

Relationship-Centered Communication

In-Person Workshop Opportunity Now Open!

Friday, December 15, 2023 | 8:00am-12:30pm ET

 Austin, TX

Join us for a special opportunity to experience this interactive and one-of-a-kind workshop IN-PERSON with peers. The Fundamental Relationship-Centered Communication (RCC) Workshop teaches communication competencies that ensure health professionals deliver high-quality, relational care. The workshop involves skills-based exercises that offer participants the chance to integrate workshop content with individual learning goals. Expert ACH Facilitators build skill-development through active engagement.

Conversation: We invite participants to share goals, express preferences, and discuss examples from their own experiences

Strength-Based Reflection: We encourage participants to consider "What is working well?" and "What would you like to continue

Interactive Learning: We utilize activities to maintain participant engagement.

Register Now!

Attendees can earn Continuing Education Credits.

Special Discounted Registration for this Event. Space is limited. 



Date and Time
Dec. 15, 2023, 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.