The 5 projects below received the top scores among submissions that were not yet complete across all categories. The * denotes the winning team.
C-02 COVID-19 Perinatal Transmission and Vaccine Decisions in Hispanic Parents
Authors: Safiyya Zaidi (Medicine); Sarah Lasater (Medicine); Christopher Jolly (Nutritional Sciences); Megan Gray (Medicine)
Faculty Advisors: Megan Gray (Medicine); Christopher Jolly (CommUnityCare Austin)
*C-12 Prevention of Food and Supplement Interactions with Common Medications
Authors: Huy ‘Paul’ Tang (Pharmacy); Yunting Tao (Pharmacy); Amberly Guadiano (Pharmacy); Sharon Everitt (Pharmacy); Shannon Parks (Pharmacy)
Faculty Advisors: Grace Lee (Pharmacy); Kelly Reveles (Pharmacy)
Q-05 Reducing HIV Stigma Among Health Profession Students
Authors: Allen (Medicine & Public Affairs); Mavis Coffman (Medicine & Health Care Transformation); Christiana Shields (Medicine & Health Care Transformation); Michelle Raji (Medicine)
Faculty Advisor: n/a
Q-08 Improving Health Care Providers’ Competency and Collaboration in Caring for Patients Living with Sickle Cell Disease During Acute Episodes
Authors: Alexandra Miller (Pharmacy); Matthew Sandoval (Pharmacy); Shayna McClure (Pharmacy); Priscilla Lam (Pharmacy); Komal Patel (Pharmacy); Logan Woessner (Pharmacy); Ayanna Houston (Sickle Cell Association of Texas Marc Thomas Foundation); Collin Hovinga (Pharmacy)
Faculty Advisors: Collin Hovinga (Pharmacy); Faith Goan (Pharmacy)
LR-04 Existential Crisis and Life-Threatening Illness: Hallucinogens as Treatment A Systematic Review
Authors: Erica Burgett (Nursing); Erin Cloke (Nursing)
Faculty Advisor: Donna Rolin (Nursing)