Presentations, Poster Presentations, and Workshops in Texas
IPE-related presentations, poster presentations, and workshops in given in Texas to which the Center for Health IPE Executive Steering Committee and Health IPE Fellows contributed.
Presentations + Workshops
Price C, Homrok C, Stewart MP. “The Impact of Pharmacy Student Implementation of a Formulary at an Interprofessional, Student-Run Free Clinic”. Presented at the 2024 TSHP Annual Seminar: Round Rock, TX.
Stewart MP, Power R, Litten K. (November 2023). Periodontal disease treatment associated with reduced insulin requirements in a patient using concentrated U-500 regular insulin: A case report. Presented at the ACCP Annual Meeting: Dallas, TX.
Phillips, F. Fryar, K., Patino, M. (June, 2023). Evaluation and Research within a Child Life Community Setting. Child Life Conference. Dallas, TX.
Jones, B., Zomorodi, M., Torres-Hostos, L. & Woodard, L. (November 2021) Invited. Building Resilience, Collaborating to Solve Wicked Problems, and Creating Partnerships to Advance Health: The Promise of IPE. University of Houston Humana Interprofessional Education Summit
Young, V., and Yan, Y. Readiness for Team-Based Community Interventions: Preparing Learners Using an Interprofessional Virtual Simulation, July 2022. Poster presentation at American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Annual Meeting; Grapevine, Texas.
Loescher, K, Andrews A, Well A, Davis V, Ford, K. Designing a Team-Based Experiential Learning Project to Transform Health Care: What We Have Learned. The 2022 Innovations in Health Science Education Annual Conference Shine Academy; 2022, February; Houston, TX
Hamilton Solum P, Chelagat D, Zuniga J, Kyololo B, Garcia A, Kabimba A, Abbyad C, & Milimo B. Maternal selection of prenatal care and birthplace in sub-Saharan Africa: A collaborative international systematic review of the literature process, Poster presentation Association of Women's Health, Obstetrics and Neonatal Nursing (AWHONN) Texas State Conference, San Antonio, Texas. 2020.
Rawson D, Rodriguez A, Allen S, Hill LG, Evoy KE. Operation Naloxone: Interprofessional overdose prevention service learning. UT Health San Antonio Center for Service Learning Annual Conference (Poster); February 2019; San Antonio, TX.
Bogschutz R, Hoggatt Krumwiede K, Joseph R. Conversations in IPE: Organizing IPE across a ctate. Webinar presented at: AAMC SGEA IPE Special Interest Group Quarterly Webinar; May 17, 2018.
Mazin L, Hill LG, Evoy KE, Lawson KA. Operation Naloxone: Multi-institutional opioid overdose prevention service learning for health professions students (Best Poster Award). Texas Society of Health-System Pharmacists Annual Seminar; April 2018; Frisco, TX.
Groff L, Nguyen K, Tun K, Nguyen T, Hill LG, Evoy KE. Operation Naloxone: Interprofessional overdose prevention service learning. Texas Society of Health-System Pharmacists Annual Seminar; April 2018; Frisco, TX.
Young V. Incorporating CQI for curricular transformation in IPE. Presented at: Texas IPE Consortium Spring Meeting; March 29, 2018; Galveston, TX,
Young, V. Integrating IHI modules into the IPE curriculum. Presented at: Texas IPE Consortium Spring Meeting; March 29, 2018; Galveston, TX.
Date MK, Hill LG, Morgan S, Delaney M. Interprofessional complex chronic disease workshop. UT Primary Care Progress; March 2018; Austin, TX.
Tun K, Nguyen T, Groff L, Nguyen K, Evoy KE, Hill LG. Operation Naloxone: Interprofessional overdose prevention service learning (Best Poster Award). UT Health San Antonio Center for Service Learning Annual Conference; January 2018; San Antonio, TX.
Luk J, Jones B, Young V & Timmerman G. (September 2017) Webinar. Conversations in IPE-Building an Interprofessional Health Education Program from Scratch. AAMC SGEA IPE Special Interest Group Quarterly Webinar.
Hill LG, Steiker LH, Marteney S. Operation Naloxone: Interprofessional collaboration to prevent opioid overdose. Texas HHSC Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Symposium; June 2017; San Antonio, TX.
Luk, J. Interprofessional integration: Preparing Dell Medical Students for collaborative practice. Presented at: GME-Macy Foundation Summit: Developing an Innovative Blueprint to Address Training and Retention of Rural Practitioners, Mental Health Issues, and Interprofessional Education; 2016; Houston, TX.
Hill LG, Koenig ME. Naloxone counseling for harm reduction and patient engagement. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Practice Improvement; December 2015; Dallas, TX.
Hill LG, Higbea AM. iPharm: Demolishing silos in the patient-centered medical home. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Practice Improvement; December 2015; Dallas, TX.
Das N, Hill LG. Pill burden: Targeting polypharmacy using a home visit model. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Practice Improvement; December 2015; Dallas, TX.
Luk, J. Journey to interprofessional practice. Presented at: Interprofessional Practice Symposium: Putting Theory into Practice. The University of North Texas Health Science Center; 2015; Fort Worth, TX.
Luk J, Kulkarni M, Jones B, Timmerman G, Davis P, Carlson C. Creating the ideal healthcare team: Let’s start with our students! Presented at: SIMULATION in Healthcare Training, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center; May 2014; Galveston, TX.