Presentations, Poster Presentations, and Workshops in Austin, TX
IPE-related presentations, poster presentations, and workshops in given in Austin, Texas to which the Center for Health IPE Executive Steering Committee and Health IPE Fellows contributed.
Presentations + Workshops
Tran JT, Arellano B, Patel C, Rosenzweig J, Ahmad R, Kwon S, Cardenas C, Stewart MP, Young V. “Patient and Staff Perspectives on Rideshare Services Providing Access to Care at a Federally Qualified Health Center.” Presented at the 6th Annual Interprofessional Health Showcase, The UT Center for Health Interprofessional Practice and Education: April 2024; Austin, TX.
Kovaric K, Luk J, Phelps N, Wilkerson M, Wilkerson L. Can Community Service Learning Disrupt Health Inequities? (Virtual Poster). Presented at: 2023 Innovation in Health Science Education Annual Conference. The University of Texas Kenneth I. Shine, M.D., Academy of Health Science Education. 2023 March 3
Loescher K and Luk J. Managing and Improving Quality Using IPE Projects. National T3 Interprofessional Team Development Program; May 2022 and January 2022; Austin, TX.
Young V. Current State of IPE. Presented virtually at T3 Train-the-Trainer Interprofessional Team Development Program. May 24, 2021. Austin, TX.
Castleberry A, Luk J. Developing Engaging IPE Curricula. Presented virtually at T3 Train-the-Trainer Interprofessional Team Development Program. May 24, 2021. Austin, TX.
Young V. Applied IPE Assessment and Evaluation. Presented virtually at T3 Train-the-Trainer Interprofessional Team Development Program. May 24, 2021. Austin, TX.
Morgan S, El-Assad L. Setting Project Goals: Appreciative Inquiry. Presented virtually at T3 Train-the-Trainer Interprofessional Team Development Program. May 24, 2021. Austin, TX.
Young V. Science of Teamwork and Psychological Safety. Presented virtually at T3 Train-the-Trainer Interprofessional Team Development Program. May 25, 2021. Austin, TX.
Morgan S. Emotional Intelligence and Interprofessional Team Development. Presented virtually at T3 Train-the-Trainer Interprofessional Team Development Program. May 25, 2021. Austin, TX.
Timmerman G, Jones, B. Constructive Management of Conflict to Enhance Collaboration. Presented virtually at T3 Train-the-Trainer Interprofessional Team Development Program. May 25, 2021. Austin, TX.
Richards D. Coaching for Individual and Team Performance. Presented virtually at T3 Train-the-Trainer Interprofessional Team Development Program. May 25, 2021. Austin, TX.
Sparks D. Resilience: The Key to Sustainable Patient, Practitioner, and Team Satisfaction. Presented virtually at T3 Train-the-Trainer Interprofessional Team Development Program. May 26, 2021. Austin, TX.
Young V. Leading Change. Presented virtually at T3 Train-the-Trainer Interprofessional Team Development Program. May 26, 2021. Austin, TX.
Hill, L. Meet People Where They're At: Substance Use and the Pedagogy of Harm Reduction in Healthcare. Presented at Building Connections to Interprofessional Collaboration: Innovations in Substance Use and Harm Reduction Pedagogy/ The Texas IPE Consortium; May 11, 2021; Austin, TX.
Young V, Sparks D, Richards D, Roberts, S, Luk J. Virtualizing interprofessional learning: Utilizing an online escape room to convey team communication strategies and practitioner resilience. Presented at: The 2021 Innovations in Health Science Education Annual Conference. The University of Texas System; February 27, 2021; Austin, TX.
Luk JC, Young VS, Timmerman GM, Jones BL, Hill LG, Sparks D. An interprofessional socialization pedagogy: Preparing students to enter the clinical learning environment. UT Shine Academy Innovations in Health Science Education Annual Conference; Austin, TX; February 2021.
Jones, B. Conversations in IPE - The Impact of COVID-19. Texas IPE Consortium; April 2020; Austin, TX
Hill LG, Bottner R, Mason KR, Moriates C, Yagoda N. Guidelines to practice: Developing broad systems of care for the treatment of opioid use disorder. UT College of Pharmacy Psychiatric Pharmacotherapy Update; October 2019; Austin, TX.
Hill LG, Tirado CF, Walsh D, Hedenberg C. Person-centered care for opioid use disorder. UT College of Pharmacy Pharmacy Practice Seminar; September 2019; Austin, TX.
Luk J, Hill LG. Interprofessional learning and practice. UT Dell Medical School Distinction Program for Care Transformation; June 2019.
Hill LG, Hamilton-Solum P, Jones-Swann L, Schnyer R, Bottner R. Changing the language of addiction. UT Center for Health Interprofessional Practice and Education Showcase; May 2019; Austin, TX.
Hill LG, Kinzly ML, Thibodeaux CR, Sledge D, Burwell A. Operation Naloxone: A harm reduction first model for addressing the opioid crisis. Texas Department of State Health Services; May 2019; Austin, TX.
Hill LG, Karam-Hage M, Quintanilla R. Team care for SUD and integration of HIT and Project ECHO. Texas Association of Community Health Centers Clinical Conference; April 2019; Austin, TX.
Luk J, Richards D, Merlin S, Milman R. Exploring interprofessional collaboration through improv. Preconference workshop presented at: The 2019 Innovations in Health Science Education Annual Conference. The University of Texas Kenneth I. Shine, M.D., Academy of Health Science Education; February 21, 2019; Austin, TX.
Luk J. Interprofessional education. Presented at: Dell Med Joint Wellness and Business Societies Event. The University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School; January 24, 2019; Austin, TX.
Luk J, Young V, Barrett N, Rodriguez L, Timmerman G, Jones B. Meaningful interprofessional community engagement - Early approaches and opportunities. Pressented at: The Generalists in Medical Education Conference; November 2018; Austin, TX.
Hill LG, Ramirez L, Kinzly ML. Innovative opioid overdose prevention. Healthier Texas Summit; October 2018; Austin, TX.
Hill LG, Crowe D, Peyson R, Peoples M. Local innovations to address the opioid crisis. Alliance for Innovation: Transforming Local Government Conference; October 2018; Austin, TX.
Hill LG, Young VS. Professional roles, responsibilities, stereotypes, and implicit biases. UT Dell Medical School Integrated Behavioral Health Scholars Program; September 2018; Austin, TX.
Hill LG, Steiker LH, Sanders MK. Recognition and response to opioid use and overdose in the school setting. UT School of Nursing School Nurse Competency Fair and Conference; August 2018; Austin, TX.
Richards D. Practical ideas for coaching interprofessional learners in the practice setting. Presented at: Continuing Education, Hospital Practice Seminar; June 20, 2018; Austin, TX.
Hill LG, Hearod K, Botticelli M, Sorianello D, Ramirez L, Sledge D, Ingham J. Youth opioid harm prevention. https://youtu.be/NMUkbpotCzk. SAMHSA National Prevention Week Town Hall; May 2018; Austin, TX.
Hill LG, Botticelli M, Beletsky L, Ramirez L, Kinzly ML, Tirado C. Opioid misuse prevention and harm reduction strategies for youth. UT Austin Youth Substance Misuse Pop-Up Institute; May 2018; Austin.
Phillips F & Rogovin R. Advocating for the role of social work on the interprofessional team. 42nd Annual Association of Pediatric Oncology Social Workers Conference; April 2018; Austin, TX.
Groff L, Nguyen K, Tun K, Nguyen T, Hill LG, Evoy KE. Operation Naloxone: Interprofessional overdose prevention service learning (Poster). UT College of Pharmacy Research Day; April 2018; Austin, TX.
Mazin L, Hill LG, Evoy KE, Lawson KA. Operation Naloxone: Multi-institutional opioid overdose prevention service learning for health professions students (Poster). UT College of Pharmacy Research Day; April 2018; Austin, TX.
Luk J, Young V, Rodriguez L, Barret N, Garcia E, Timmerman G, Jones B. Meaningful interprofessional community engagement—Early approaches & opportunities. Workshop presented at: The 2018 Innovations in Health Science Education Annual Conference. The University of Texas Kenneth I. Shine, M.D. Academy of Health Science Education; February 15-16, 2018; Austin, TX.
Hill LG, Kinzly ML. Harm reduction workshop for healthcare professionals. Superior HealthPlan Pain and Opioid Use Disorder Summit; February 2018; Austin, TX.
Jones B, Sparks D. The ethics of interprofessional collaborative practice and education. Presented at: Steve Hicks School of Social Work Field Instructor Development Institute Workshop; January 2018, Austin, TX.
Jones B, Young V, Timmerman G, Luk J. Collaborating across campus: Educating future health care practitioners for interprofessional team-based care. Presented at: McCombs Business School Annual Innovation in Healthcare Delivery Systems Symposium: Innovation & Entrepreneurship-Leading Ethical Improvement in Healthcare; 2017; Austin, TX.
Hill LG, Steiker LH, Castedo SJ, Barnes JN. Implementing the ACHA opioid guideline to promote rational prescribing, overdose prevention, and recovery support on campus. American College Health Association Annual Meeting; June 2017; Austin, TX.
Steiker LH, Hill LG, Barnes JN. Operation Naloxone: Overdose prevention on campus. UT McCombs School of Business: Leading Ethical Improvement in Healthcare; April 2017; Austin, TX.
Young V. Interprofessional community project. Presented at: College of Pharmacy Advisory Council Meeting; April 20, 2017; Austin, TX.
Luk J, Timmerman G, Jones B, Young V. Interprofessional student community videos: “It’s all about the PITCH!” Presented at: Best Practices in Medical Education Grand Rounds, The University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School; January 26, 2017; Austin, TX.
Luk J, Timmerman G, Jones B, Young V. Interprofessional integration: Preparing future healthcare practitioners for collaborative practice. Presented at: McCombs Business School Annual Innovation in Healthcare Delivery Systems Symposium; Re-Imagining Healthcare Conference; 2016; Austin, TX.
Luk J, Timmerman G. Interprofessional integration: Preparing future practitioners for collaborative practice. Presented at: Pediatric Grand Rounds. Dell Children’s Medical Center of Central Texas; 2016; Austin, TX.
Luk J, Wilkerson L, Timmerman G, Young V. IPE in the clinic setting: Optimizing your clinic and teaching when you have multiple health professions trainees on your team. Workshop presented at: AAMC Southern Group on Educational Affairs; 2016; Austin, TX.
Hill LG. Naloxone counseling for harm reduction and patient engagement. UT McCombs School of Business: Innovations in Healthcare Delivery Symposium; April 2016; Austin, TX.
Luk J, Wilkerson L, Timmerman G, Jones B, Young V. Interprofessional Education in the Clinic Setting: Optimizing your Clinic and Teaching When you Have Multiple Health Professions Trainees. Association of American Medical Colleges Southern Group on Educational Affairs Regional Conference; April 2016; Austin, TX.
Timmerman G, Annamalai V. Teaching TeamSTEPPS® with an interprofessional perspective: Beyond the Powerpoint. Workshop presented at: 2016 Innovations in Health Science Education Annual Conference; February 18-19, 2016; Austin, TX.
Luk J. Health education transformation: Interprofessional education and collaborative practice. Presented at: College of Pharmacy Advisory Council; October 15, 2015; Austin, TX.
Luk J. Interprofessional integration--Preparing Dell Medical School students for collaborative practice. Presented at: Community Education Series in Women’s Health. The University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School; 2015; Austin, TX.
Jones B, Alexander M, Kulkarni-Date M, Wakefield T, Koch K. Medical homes for children and adults with complex medical conditions: Lessons learned from two clinics. Presented at: UT Austin Interprofessional Education Consortium; February 2015; Austin, TX.
Jones B Interprofessional education in pediatric palliative care. Presented at: Pedi-HOPE 2014: Pediatric Hospice and Palliative Care Essentials Sixth Annual Conference. Texas Pediatric Palliative Care Consortium; July 2014; Austin, TX.
Phillips F, Luk J, Jones B. Transformative teams in healthcare: Evaluation of an advanced interprofessional seminar on communication and collaboration. Presented at: 5th Annual University of Texas at Austin Innovation in Healthcare Delivery Systems Symposium; April 2014; Austin, TX.
Cox S, Luk J, Jones B, Kretzschmar J, Taxis C, Ridings-Myhra J, Ginsburg D, Peters S. Assessing student outcomes in the health professions: An inter-professional public responsibility. Presented at: The University of Texas at Austin School of Social Work; January 2014; Austin, TX.
Poster Presentations
Gopalkrishnan S, Jung H, Nussbaum K, Reese-White D, Squiers W, Luk J. From Health Care to Health Fair: Undergraduate Medical Student Outreach to Empower Local High School Students. Poster presented at: 2nd Annual Interprofessional Health Showcase. The Center for Health Interprofessional Practice and Education. The University of Texas at Austin; May 1, 2020; Austin, TX.
Haney K, Fuentes L, Measom M, Taliaferro T, Wright A, Luk J. The HEALing Project. Poster presented at: 2nd Annual Interprofessional Health Showcase. The Center for Health Interprofessional Practice and Education. The University of Texas at Austin; May 1, 2020; Austin, TX.
Timmons JZ, Abdelrahman K, Bashour L, Miner H, Rosenthal H, Luk J. Optimization of Marketing Strategies and Screening Tools for the Austin-Travis County EMS Senior Home Safety Program. Poster presented at: 2nd Annual Interprofessional Health Showcase. The Center for Health Interprofessional Practice and Education. The University of Texas at Austin; May 1, 2020; Austin, TX.
Eid T, Silva B, Charnsangavej N, Luk J. Implementing a New Resident Interprofessional Curriculum. Poster presented at: The 2020 Innovations in Health Science Education Annual Conference. The University of Texas Kenneth I. Shine, M.D., Academy of Health Science Education; February, 27, 2020; Austin, TX.
Arzanoush L, Do M, Henderson B, Young V. An Interprofessional approach to improving pneumococcal vaccination documentation in an oncology clinic. Poster presented at: 2016 12th Annual Louis C. Littlefield Celebrating Pharmacy Research Excellence Day; April 26, 2016; Austin, TX.
Luk J, Timmerman G, Jones B, Young V. Interprofessional integration at The University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School. Poster presented at: The 2016 Innovations in Health Science Education Annual Conference. The University of Texas Kenneth I. Shine, M.D. Academy of Health Science Education; February 18-19, 2016; Austin, TX.