4th Annual Interprofessional Health Showcase
The Center for Health Interprofessional Practice and Education hosted its 4th Annual Interprofessional Health Showcase on April 29, 2022. It was inspiring to celebrate students’ and residents’ contributions to advancing person-centered care and/or population health through research, quality improvement, community engagement, and health innovation projects. Next year's showcase will be held on Friday, April 14, 2023 at a location TBD. Please save the date.
Message from the Director

Welcome to the 4th annual Interprofessional Health Showcase site! This year, we are honored to showcase 81 health-related projects from students and residents across UT Austin and partner institutions in 6 categories: community engagement, quality improvement, research, literature review, case studies, and a category that is new this year: health innovation. This latter category involves projects that apply a systematic process to developing and evaluating new products, technology, or educational materials. Our learners are doing amazing, innovative work and we’re excited for you to see for yourself!
Of these 80+ projects, 35% are interprofessional (meaning that the team includes 2 or more professions) and 62% involve community partners. A review committee scored all of the abstracts to determine award finalists. This was not an easy task, as the competition was steep among the many high-caliber projects. Abstracts that received the highest scores were identified and you may read about our award finalists here. These finalists will present their projects during synchronous sessions on 4/29. See the schedule below. Authors will be present at the poster viewing session from 1:30-2:15 on 4/29 to “stand by” their poster in Zoom breakout rooms and discuss their work with registered attendees. Please visit the authors to learn more about their work. Remember to register to obtain Zoom links to hear the presentations and attend the poster viewing sessions.
Thank you to the many faculty and staff from programs across The University of Texas who volunteered to review abstracts, judge posters, and support the synchronous sessions. This event, like all IPE work, relies on the collaborative efforts of colleagues across programs and professions. I would like to acknowledge the hard work of our students, residents, and their faculty advisors who submitted outstanding projects.
I would also like to extend our sincere appreciation to the many community partners who are integral to the amazing work we are privileged to showcase and celebrate. We hope to see you at our next Interprofessional Health Showcase which will be held on April 14, 2023.
Take care and be well,

Veronica Young, PharmD, MPH, FNAP
Director, Center for Health IPE
Award Finalists and Project Presenters
View the award winners and finalists here.
- Award finalists have been notified of their status and asked to present their work during the oral presentation session that aligns with their category (see schedule above)
- All authors whose abstracts were accepted participated in the poster viewing session on April 29 from 1:30 - 2:15.
- A digital poster gallery was made available from 4/29 - 5/2.
Volunteer Shout-Out

Inteprofessional Health Showcase: Schedule
Celebrating health-related research and projects from students and residents across UT Austin and beyond.
Three synchronous sessions via Zoom on 4/29
Asynchronous poster viewing from 4/29-5/2
The digital poster gallery will be available starting 4/29
Schedule for Live, Virtual Sessions on 4/29
- 11a - 12p: Oral presentations by finalists in the quality improvement and research categories
- 12:15p - 1:15p: Oral presentations by finalists in the community engagement and health innovation categories
- 1:30p - 2:15p: Poster viewing with authors present in Zoom rooms
Showcase Program Guide
People's Choice Award
Awards Winners and Finalists
Zoom Instructions for Concurrent Poster Sessions