The Center for Health IPE champions impact-driven scholarship that advances collaborative practice. Below is a non-exhaustive list of health IPE scholarship to which the Center for Health IPE Executive Steering Committee and Health IPE Fellows contributed since 2014.  You may read about these health IPE champions here
Wolfe J, Jones B, Kreicbergs U, Jankovic M (Eds.) Palliative Care in Pediatric Oncology. Springer Press; 2018.  
Book Chapters 
Luk J, Sanders K, Young V, Jones B, Brown, K. Interprofessional Simulation in Prelicensure Learners. In: Interprofessional Team Training and Simulation. Paige, J., Sonesh, S., Delaney Garbee, D., & Bonanno, L. Eds. (2018). 
Jones B, Currin-McCulloch J, Petruzzi L, Phillips F & Smith B (under review). Transformative Teams in Health Care: Enhancing Social Work Student Identity, Voice and Leadership in a Longitudinal Interprofessional Education (IPE) Course. Advances in Social Work.
Lippe, M, Linton, B, Jones B. Utilizing a collaborative learning experience to sensitize interprofessional students to palliative care scopes of practice with adolescent and young adults. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2019; 33(2):267-269. 
Hageman H, Huggett K, Simpson D, Hasbrouck C, Stuber M, Luk J, Timmerman G. Operationalizing Interprofessional Education in the Clinical Workplace. Med Sci Educ. Dec 2017; 27(4):753-58.
Presentation - International 
King S, Garrison M. “The art and science of interprofessional shadowing: Creating meaningful experiences for any context.” Presented at: Collaborating Across Borders VI; October 4, 2017; Banff, Alberta, Canada. 
Poster Presentation - International 
Young V, Bullock D, Herbold J. Advancing interprofessional education and collaborative practice: A community-academic partnership model serving the HIV/AIDS population. Poster Presented at: 7th All Together Better Health Conference; June 6-8, 2014; Pittsburgh, PA.  
Presentations + Workshops - National
Olson A, Conway J, Luk J. Opportunities and synergies in interprofessional diagnosis education. Workshop Presented at: 2019 Integrating Quality Conference: Getting on Track to Achieve Health Equity. Association of American Medical Colleges; June 6, 2019; Minneapolis, MN.
Schapmire T, Jones B, Sachs A. Promoting collaborative practice through collaborative learning: Interprofessional team building in the oncology setting. Presented at: Learning Institute: Association of Oncology Social Work; June 2019; Tucson, AZ.
Jones, B. The CaLM Model: Building a new patient-centered cancer institute with social work leadership and engagement in interprofessional whole-person collaborative care. Presented at: Association of Oncology Social Work; June 2019; Tucson, AZ.
Johnston C, Bottner R, Jones B. Using simulation to teach interprofessional communication in palliative care. Presented at: American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine; March 2019; Orlando, FL.
Jones B, Johnston C, Kvale E, Curran M, Luk J, Timmerman G, Young V, Bottner R. Using simulation to teach interprofessional communication in palliative care. Presented at: Interactive Educational Exchange: The Annual Assembly of Hospice and Palliative Care. The American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine; March 15, 2019; Orlando, FL. 
Akinola M, Schmidt J, Luk J. Engaging educators in interprofessional education across healthcare institutions in the AAMC Southern Region. Platform presentation presented at: 2019 Annual Meeting & Forum: Interprofessional Collaborative Practice—Advocacy for Population Health. National Academies of Practice; March 7-9, 2019; Washington, DC. 
Miller S, Jones B, McCleod D, Whitehall-Bolton K, Panisch, L. Collaborative interprofessional research: An opportunity for social work leadership. Roundtable presented at: Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference; January 2019; San Francisco, CA. 
Luk J. Planning for successful clinical interprofessional education. Presented at: Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics (APGO) Martin L. Stone, MD Faculty Development Seminar; January 9, 2019;  Maui, HI.   
Jones B. Interprofessional teams, education, and collaborative practice. Presented at: Advanced Certificate in Oncology Social Work, University of Pennsylvania, School of Social Policy & Practice; November 2018; Philadelphia, PA. 
Jones B, Bottner R, Curran M, Henneghan A, Johnston C, Sparks D. Integrating palliative care into a longitudinal IPE course. Presented at: iPEX Interprofessional Education Workshop in Palliative Care; November 2018; Chicago, IL. 
Jones B, Luk J. Leveraging interprofessional education to create transformative culture change. Invited presentation at Interprofessional Education Post Conference Summit. Council on Social Work Education 64th Annual Program Meeting; November 2018; Orlando, FL.
Miller S, Jones B, McCleod D, Whitehall-Bolton K. Social work’s role as a transformational leader in interprofessional research. Presented at: Commission on Research Connect Session. Council on Social Work Education 64th Annual Program Meeting; November 2018; Orlando, FL.
Schapmire T, Jones B. Promoting collaborative practice through collaborative learning: Preparing for interprofessional education in oncology. Presented at: Association of Oncology Social Work. 34th Annual Conference; May 2018; Atlanta, GA.
Timmerman G, Jones B, Young V, Delville C, Kulkarni-Date M. Video training for Interprofessional Collaborative Competencies: Content analysis of reflective question on application to practice. Presented at: National Academies of Practice Forum; April 14, 2018; Atlanta, GA. 
Richards D, Luk J, Jones B, Timmerman G, Young V. A multifaceted approach to faculty development for interprofessional education. Digital poster presented at: The Generalists in Medical Education; November 2, 2017; Boston, MA.  
Luk J, Jones B, Young V, Timmerman G. Conversations in IPE: Starting an IPE program. Webinar presented at: Association of American Medical Colleges Southern Group on Educational Affairs Interprofessional Education Special Interest Group; September 21, 2017; Washington, DC.  
Gilliam E, Luk J, Howley L. Assessment of interprofessional practice. Webinar presented at: Interprofessional Education Collaborative; September 20, 2017; Washington, DC. 
Kaunas C, Bogshutz R, Farmer D. A Community of practice for accelerating IPE implementation: The Texas IPE Task Force. Presented at: Nexus Summit; August 21, 2017; Minneapolis, MN. 
Hill, L. Rapid-cycle improvement for agile curricular transformation in interprofessional education. Presented at: AACP Annual Meeting; July 18, 2017; Nashville, TN. 
Jones B, Timmerman G, Luk J, Richards D, Currin-McCulloch J, Phillips F. Transformational and Transdisciplinary Curricular Change: A Model of Just-In-Time Continuous Pedagogical Improvement in IPE,” National Academies of Practice Annual Meeting and Forum,  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 2017. 
Luk J, Hasbrouck C, Hageman, H, Huggett K, Simpson D, Stuber M, Afran J, Findley P, King P, Maio A, Masterson M, Saks N, Timmerman G, Warde G, Wilkerson L, Young V. Best practices in operationalizing IPE in clinical setting – Logistics of a national crowdsourcing. Presented at: The Generalists in Medical Education; November 11, 2016; Seattle, WA. 
Hasbrouck C, Luk J, Stuber M, Zierler B. Interprofessional education and practice: From implementation to assessment. Panel discussion at: The Generalists in Medical Education; November 11, 2016; Seattle, WA. 
Timmerman G, Delville C. Improving interprofessional collaborative competencies in first year CNS students. Podium presentation at: 2016 Annual Conference National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists; March 3-5, 2016; Philadelphia, PA.
Luk, J. Sex and gender-based medicine in interprofessional education: Putting it all together. Presented at: Sex and Gender Medical Education Summit; 2015; Rochester, MN. 
Kulkarni-Date M, Sadler H, Luk J, Jones B, Timmerman G. Lessons in communication and teamwork:  Can we build a meaningful, longitudinal interprofessional experience for health professionals? Presented at: 2015 International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH); October 2015; New Orleans, LA. 
Sick B, Pittenger A, Ernest M. Make it work!  How to design interprofessional educational experiences with existing resources. Panel discussion presented at: 2015 Collaborating Across Borders V; September 30, 2015; Roanoke, VA.
Luk J, Jones B, Koch K, Phillips F, Timmerman G, Davis P, Carlson C, Kulkarni-Date M, Sadle, H. A meaningful  longitudinal interprofessional experience for medical students in the clinical years—can it be accomplished? Small group discussion at: AAMC Southern Group on Educational Affairs; April 2015; Charlotte, NC.  
Luk J, Jones B, Koch K, Phillips F, Timmerman G, Davis P, Carlson C, Kulkarni-Date M, Sadler H. A meaningful longitudinal interprofessional experience for medical students in the clinical years—can it be accomplished? Workshop presented at: International Conference on Communication in Healthcare; 2015; New Orleans, LA.
​Luk J, Jones B, Koch K, Phillips F, Timmerman G, Davis P, Carlson C, Kulkarni-Date M, Sadler H. A meaningful longitudinal interprofessional experience for medical students in the clinical years—can it be accomplished? Group discussion presented at: AAMC Southern Group on Educational Affairs; 2015; Charlotte, NC. 
Luk, J., Kulkarni-Date, M., Jones, B., Timmerman, G., Davis, P., & Carlson, C. (November, 2014) A Meaningful Longitudinal Interprofessional Experience for Medical Students in the Clinical Years—Can It Be Accomplished? The Generalists in Medical Education Annual Conference: Focus on the Patient: Education for the Future of Healthcare. Chicago, IL.  
Timmerman G, Delville C, Becker H. Enhancing clinical nurse specialist education to prepare students for interprofessional team-based care. Poster presented at:  Transforming Health, Driving Policy Conference, American Academy of Nursing; October 16-18, 2014; Washington DC. 
Rubin M, Jones B, Cohen Konrad S, Nimmagadda J, Scheyett, A. Faculty development institute, nuts and bolts to implement and evaluate sustainable interprofessional education. Presented at: Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting; October 2014; Tampa, FL. 
Pittenger A, Michalets E, Scott MA, Hitch B. The Weave: How to embed interprofessional activities and team-based care into existing experiential experiences. Panel presented at: 2014 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting; July 30, 2014; Grapevine, TX,
Jones B, Cohen Konrad S, Rubin M, Nimmagadda J, Scheyett A. Social work leadership in interprofessional education, practice & policy cevelopment. Presented at: All Together Better Health VII; June 2014;  Pittsburgh, PA. 
Poster Presentations - National 
Akinola M, Schmidt J, Luk J. What are the professional needs of medical educators who teach IPE across the AAMC Southern Region Member Schools? Poster presented at: AMC Southern Group on Educational Affairs; Orlando, FL; March 29, 2019. 
Akinola M, Luk J. IPE needs assessment survey of medical educators in the AAMC Southern Region Member Schools. Poster presented at: 2019 Annual Meeting & Forum: Interprofessional Collaborative Practice—Advocacy for Population Health. National Academies of Practice; March 7-9, 2019; Washington, DC. 
Vinas E, Brooks A, Papermaster A, Luk J, Young A. An interprofessional fais do-do: Medical student field notes on a new integrated practice unit. Poster presented at: 2019 CREOG & APGO Annual Meeting. Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics; February 27-March 2, 2019; New Orleans, LA.
Jones B, Bottner R, Curran M, Henneghan A, Johnston C & Sparks D. (November 2018) Integrating Palliative Care into a Longitudinal IPE Course. iPEX Interprofessional Education Workshop in Palliative Care. Chicago, IL.
Young V, Ridings-Myhra J, Gugala E, Roberts R. Measuring ACPE Standard 11: Programmatic evaluations of interprofessional activities in advance pharmacy practice experiences. Poster presented at: 2018 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting; July 21-25, 2018; Boston, MA.
Timmerman G, Jones B, Young V, Delville C, Kulkarni-Date M. Program evaluation of on-line video training for interprofessional collaborative competencies. Poster presented at: National Academies of Practice Forum; April 14, 2018; Atlanta, GA. 
Jones B, Young V, Luk J, Timmerman G. Foundations for interprofessional collaborative practice: Starting an innovative, longitudinal curriculum for interprofessional education. Poster presented at: The Nexus Summit. National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education; August 22, 2017; Minneapolis, MN. 
Young V, Jones B, Timmerman G, Luk J. Transformational and transdisciplinary curricular change: A model of just-in-time continuous pedagogical improvement in IPE. Poster presented at: The Nexus Summit. National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education; August 22, 2017; Minneapolis, MN. 
Young V, Ridings-Myhra J, Barnes J. A practical tool to assess interprofessional activities during advanced pharmacy practice experiences. Poster presented at: 2017 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting; July 16-19, 2017; Nashville, TN. 
Young V, Burkett D, McIntyre W. Integrating IPE in institutional IPPE: Structured interprofessional active observation. Poster presented at: 2017 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting; July 16-19, 2017; Nashville, TN. 
Jones B, Timmerman G, Luk J, Young V, Richards D, Currin-McCulloch J & Phillips F. Transformational and Transdisciplinary Curricular Change: A Model of Just-In-Time Continuous Pedagogical Improvement in IPE. National Academies of Practice Annual Meeting and Forum; March 2017; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Timmerman G, D’Avolio D, Melnyk B, Porter S. Nursing academy exemplars of interprofessional collaboration. Poster presented at: National Academies of Practice Forum; March, 17, 2017; Philadelphia, PA. 
Young V. Interprofessional Poverty Simulation: Engendering empathy and raising awareness of social determinants of health. Poster presented at: 2016 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting; July 23-27, 2016; Anaheim, CA.
Jones B, Kulkarni-Date M, Luk J, Timmerman G, Young V. An innovative, longitudinal medical school curriculum in interprofessional education. Poster presented at: National Academies of Practice 2016 Annual Meeting and Forum; 2016; Baltimore, MD.
Jones B, Kulkarni-Date M, Luk J, Phillips F, Timmerman G, Davis P, Carlson C Sadler H. Transformative teams in healthcare: Evaluation of an advanced interprofessional seminar on communication and collaboration. Poster presented at: National Academies of Practice 2016 Annual Meeting and Forum; 2016; Baltimore, MD. 
Torabi B, Malesa N, Bishop A, Young V.  Poverty Simulation: Engaging pharmacy students in interprofessional education and empathy development. Poster presented at the 2015 American Society of Health System Pharmacist Clinical Midyear Meeting; December 6-10, 2015; New Orleans, LA.
Stone M, Klugman C, Young V. Teaching ethical decision-making in community service learning. Poster presented at: Community Campus Partnership for Health Conference; April 30-May 2, 2014; Chicago, IL.
Presentations + Workshops - Texas  
Bogschutz R, Hoggatt Krumwiede K, Joseph R. Conversations in IPE: Organizing IPE across a ctate. Webinar presented at: AAMC SGEA IPE Special Interest Group Quarterly Webinar; May 17, 2018. 
Young V. Incorporating CQI for curricular transformation in IPE. Presented at: Texas IPE Consortium Spring Meeting; March 29, 2018; Galveston, TX,
Young, V. Integrating IHI modules into the IPE curriculum. Presented at: Texas IPE Consortium Spring Meeting; March 29, 2018; Galveston, TX. 
Luk J, Jones B, Young V & Timmerman G. (September 2017) Webinar. Conversations in IPE-Building an Interprofessional Health Education Program from Scratch. AAMC SGEA IPE Special Interest Group Quarterly Webinar.
Luk, J. Interprofessional integration: Preparing Dell Medical Students for collaborative practice. Presented at: GME-Macy Foundation Summit: Developing an Innovative Blueprint to Address Training and Retention of Rural Practitioners, Mental Health Issues, and Interprofessional Education; 2016; Houston, TX. 
Luk, J. Journey to interprofessional practice. Presented at: Interprofessional Practice Symposium: Putting Theory into Practice. The University of North Texas Health Science Center; 2015; Fort Worth, TX.  
Luk J, Kulkarni M, Jones B, Timmerman G, Davis P, Carlson C. Creating the ideal healthcare team: Let’s start with our students! Presented at: SIMULATION in Healthcare Training, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center; May 2014; Galveston, TX.   
Presentations + Workshops - Austin
Luk J, Richards D, Merlin S, Milman R. Exploring interprofessional collaboration through improv. Preconference workshop presented at: The 2019 Innovations in Health Science Education Annual Conference. The University of Texas Kenneth I. Shine, M.D., Academy of Health Science Education; February 21, 2019; Austin, TX. 
Luk J. Interprofessional education. Presented at: Dell Med Joint Wellness and Business Societies Event. The University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School; January 24, 2019; Austin, TX.
Luk J, Young V, Barrett N, Rodriguez L, Timmerman G, Jones B. Meaningful interprofessional community engagement - Early approaches and opportunities. Pressented at: The Generalists in Medical Education Conference; November 2018; Austin, TX.
Richards D. Practical ideas for coaching interprofessional learners in the practice setting. Presented at: Continuing Education, Hospital Practice Seminar; June 20, 2018; Austin, TX. 
Luk J, Young V, Rodriguez L, Barret N, Garcia E, Timmerman G, Jones B. Meaningful interprofessional community engagement—Early approaches & opportunities. Workshop presented at:  The 2018 Innovations in Health Science Education Annual Conference. The University of Texas Kenneth I. Shine, M.D. Academy of Health Science Education; February 15-16, 2018; Austin, TX.   
Jones B, Sparks D. The ethics of interprofessional collaborative practice and education. Presented at: Steve Hicks School of Social Work Field Instructor Development Institute Workshop; January 2018, Austin, TX. 
Jones B, Young V, Timmerman G, Luk J. Collaborating across campus: Educating future health care practitioners for interprofessional team-based care. Presented at: McCombs Business School Annual Innovation in Healthcare Delivery Systems Symposium: Innovation & Entrepreneurship-Leading Ethical Improvement in Healthcare; 2017; Austin, TX.  
Young V. Interprofessional community project. Presented at: College of Pharmacy Advisory Council Meeting; April 20, 2017; Austin, TX. 
Luk J, Timmerman G, Jones B, Young V. Interprofessional student community videos: “It’s all about the PITCH!” Presented at: Best Practices in Medical Education Grand Rounds, The University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School; January 26, 2017; Austin, TX. 
Luk J, Timmerman G, Jones B, Young V. Interprofessional integration: Preparing future healthcare practitioners for collaborative practice. Presented at: McCombs Business School Annual Innovation in Healthcare Delivery Systems Symposium; Re-Imagining Healthcare Conference; 2016; Austin, TX. 
Luk J, Timmerman G. Interprofessional integration: Preparing future practitioners for collaborative practice. Presented at: Pediatric Grand Rounds. Dell Children’s Medical Center of Central Texas; 2016; Austin, TX.  
Luk J, Wilkerson L, Timmerman G, Young V. IPE in the clinic setting: Optimizing your clinic and teaching when you have multiple health professions trainees on your team. Workshop presented at: AAMC Southern Group on Educational Affairs; 2016; Austin, TX.
Timmerman G, Annamalai V. Teaching TeamSTEPPS® with an interprofessional perspective: Beyond the Powerpoint. Workshop presented at: 2016 Innovations in Health Science Education Annual Conference; February 18-19, 2016; Austin, TX. 
Luk J. Health education transformation: Interprofessional education and collaborative practice. Presented at: College of Pharmacy Advisory Council; October 15, 2015; Austin, TX. 
Luk J. Interprofessional integration--Preparing Dell Medical School students for collaborative practice. Presented at: Community Education Series in Women’s Health. The University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School; 2015; Austin, TX. 
​Jones B, Alexander M, Kulkarni-Date M, Wakefield T, Koch K. Medical homes for children and adults with complex medical conditions: Lessons learned from two clinics. Presented at: UT Austin Interprofessional Education Consortium; February 2015; Austin, TX.
Jones B Interprofessional education in pediatric palliative care. Presented at: Pedi-HOPE 2014: Pediatric Hospice and Palliative Care Essentials Sixth Annual Conference. Texas Pediatric Palliative Care Consortium; July 2014; Austin, TX. 
Phillips F, Luk J, Jones B. Transformative teams in healthcare: Evaluation of an advanced interprofessional seminar on communication and collaboration. Presented at: 5th Annual University of Texas at Austin Innovation in Healthcare Delivery Systems Symposium; April 2014; Austin, TX. 
Cox S, Luk J, Jones B, Kretzschmar J, Taxis C, Ridings-Myhra J, Ginsburg D, Peters S. Assessing student outcomes in the health professions: An inter-professional public responsibility. Presented at: The University of Texas at Austin School of Social Work; January 2014; Austin, TX. 
Poster Presentations - Austin
Arzanoush L, Do M, Henderson B, Young V.  An Interprofessional approach to improving pneumococcal vaccination documentation in an oncology clinic. Poster presented at: 2016 12th Annual Louis C. Littlefield Celebrating Pharmacy Research Excellence Day; April 26, 2016; Austin, TX.  
Luk J, Timmerman G, Jones B, Young V. Interprofessional integration at The University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School. Poster presented at: The 2016 Innovations in Health Science Education Annual Conference. The University of Texas Kenneth I. Shine, M.D. Academy of Health Science Education; February 18-19, 2016; Austin, TX.